My son gave me a book to challenge me in my walk with Christ. I gave him a long look, not sure what he meant, but it was a compliment and the challenge was taken. Eugene Peterson’s book Run With The Horses was his chosen tool, and it worked overtime on my soul. In a twist I did not expect, he wanted to read the book along with me, so the journey was not undertaken alone.
Here is a key verse God soaked in my heart. The translation is from The Message.
So, Jeremiah, if you’re worn out in this footrace with men,
what makes you think you can race against horses?
And if you can’t keep your wits during times of calm,
what’s going to happen when troubles break loose
like the Jordan in flood?
Peterson, while liberal with the text, is spot on in his translation.
A problem some have with supernatural living is that they lived from a good heart, but a heart of flesh nonetheless, as best as they could, and life just wore them out. And now the idea of supernatural living feels like more, more is asked of them, more is required of them, they feel like they need to do more.
And they have nothing more to give.
Such is the road of the flesh.
Such is the pain of unbelief.
The biography of Jeremiah is rather fascinating, he lived through times of great revival under Josiah and then decades later saw the total destruction of his blessed Jerusalem. In his lament with the Lord, the Lord kindly tells him that supernatural living does not operate on the same plane as man, and that God has purposes even during times of hardship.
Spirit filled movement is not about more but about shift, it’s an altered state of mind walking in an alternative reality. Not fake or phony, but grounded, liberated and strong.
It’s the difference between walking against God’s stallions, or running with his horses.